Grand abri voyageur en béton
    Grand abri voyageur aux abords d'un quartier résidentiel
    Zoom sur le banc d'un abri voyageur gris
    Abris voyageurs grand modèle

Large passenger shelters

The side walls and roof effectively protect passengers from the wind, sun and rain while they wait at the bus stop. Two polished benches are also provided.

This type of concrete street furniture is suitable for both urban and rural use, resisting both vandalism and poor weather conditions.



  • Polished Granito, GFRC roof
  • Sanded exterior finish
  • 12 cm-thick base slab
  • Polished benches
  • Beige or grey in colour
  • Anti-graffiti varnish


Technical Information

  • Ref: Abrivoyageurs01
  • Dimensions: 320 cm x 180 cm x 220 cm
  • Weight: 4.2 tonnes

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