Choosing the right concrete planters to enhance the beauty of a city.
Flower pots and planters can act as reservoirs of biodiversity in city centres. Planters are installed at the entrances to "towns in bloom", as well as in squares and along traffic routes. How should one choose these essential pieces of street furniture?
What are the rules governing road accessibility?
High quality thoroughfares and public spaces are a prerequisite for access to establishments and facilities for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) and disabilities, they also improve quality of life for all users.
Street furniture: how do we meet people's needs?
Street furniture is changing in most of the region's communities. Furniture are becoming more sustainable and adaptable to a varied public, in line with major environmental and social issues. Within this common framework, more specific expectations can take shape.
Passenger shelters: which ones should you choose?
Wandering around town one can come across various types of passenger shelter. From schoolchildren waiting for the school bus to adults leaving for work using the city’s bus network, everyone needs a roof to shelter under.
Decoding: HGV parking areas
Road transport: urgent infrastructure development. In 2018, the "Safe and Secure Parking Places for Trucks SSTPA"[1] study estimated the shortfall in parking spaces needed by heavy goods vehicles in Europe at 100,000 spaces.
Decoding: carpooling, a fast-growing practice
900,000 people use carpooling to get to work each day. Despite a slowdown caused by the health crisis, this collaborative method of transport is now booming, requiring the creation of new facilities to cope with it.
Urban greening: a growing concept.
Greening permits have been issued in Clermont-Ferrand, bus and cycle lanes have been greened in Lyon, sandy areas have been seeded in Besançon... These actions are all based on the same observation: urban greening improves quality of life for residents and contributes to the sustainable development dynamic of a city.
How are public toilets maintained?
Many towns and cities are constructing public toilets. Usually located near public squares, they are very popular in busy cities. If they smell bad and are dirty, this can negatively affect the image of the company that designed them.
How do you design street furniture?
Public spaces are used by local authorities and town councils to create social cohesion. Communal gardens, sports areas, children's playgrounds... These types of meeting places have become essential parts of city life.
How can we improve the cleanliness of a city?
Cleanliness is an integral part of urban planning for every French town. It is a highly important issue for town councils; a town’s level of cleanliness has an impact on residents and visitors alike.
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